Thursday, April 25, 2013

Best Price Biohazard 2012: An Anthology Buyer Reviews

Biohazard 2012: An Anthology

Biohazard 2012: An Anthology description

Modern aircraft enable travel from any major city, USA to Africa or the Pacific Rim, a trip that once required months, in only 15 hours. Given the sheer volume of traffic and connections from these airports alone, a pathogen brought in from abroad could infect most major American cities in a matter of days, or hours.

In BeanPods Press's hypothetical scenario, a deadly virus does just that. After reaching the North American continent, it spreads. Within a month, nine out of ten Americans are dead.

For Biohazard 2012, prospective contributors were asked to assess themselves, their surroundings, their loved ones, and their probable courses of action. In the final hours...

What would you do?
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